May 27, 2009


I guess, I took almost unexpected break from blogging and bunch of other things, but here I am ready to get back to my normal.
I needed some time off from my usual, at least, that is how I explain myself to myself. :)
I spent a lot of time outside not far, just in my yard, enjoying every new leaf that grew and every new bloom.

My vegetables are all planted in abundance, now I am anxious to harvest fruits.

I visited with old friends and family, who hardly see me during the school time.
The most important, I organized my life a bit (really just a bit) and set my priorities once again...

Now? I am really longing for craftiness.

..but before I have to show for any of that, here are some pieces of my garden...

Thank you all for comments wondering about me and whether I found time to sew... I read and appreciate them all. I guess it is hard to admit several times in row that things are not going the way I wished they would. :)
Thanks for visiting...

May 8, 2009

Finals are done, I am back...

Just a quick note for those who might want to know... Yep, finals and school is behind me for now and I will be back here enjoying the crafty days with you. I have a long list of want to and need to, but since my work situation is not going to change for now, I do have more time on my hands.
All of you moms out there, enjoy yours Mother's Day weekend! We will be out of town till Monday.

Happy mother's day to my mom that is far far away.... I love you mom.

And here, so my dad does not need to translate:

vsetko najlepsie ku Dnu Matiek!
Lubim Ta a chybas mi...
Som rada ze ta mam...

May 5, 2009

A bad news...

Thank you all for stopping by. I have been working on my school stuff all this time. All of my projects are finished and I am pretty proud of them. I have last two finals tomorrow. Then I will be back here as usual.
In fact, I might be here more often. I just found out today that my hours at work are going to be cut almost in half starting next week, maybe till June. Reason? I guess economy...
I am more then frustrated since we had lost one income in the house already. What do i do? I am having a feeling I 'll find out soon.
I might have a back up plan, but that will require some prayers. :)
On the other side, Jacquie at Tallgrass Prairie Studio is holding the Spring to Finish on till the end of May. I am looking for some quality time spent behind the sewing machine.
Wish me luck... I'll need it.